CyberZahm - Albertfest
Reunions - Albertfest
August 1997
Also known as The Hamptons. Andy, Albert, Fox, Willo, Gabes,
Preppy, Hans, and Sobo plus a host of Danzas including host extrordanaire Guy,
gather first at Alberts to play golf and to watch the USA Open and then at
Albert's parents' Hamptons retreat: tennis, golf, swimming pool, fishing,
beaches, clubs and more!
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Come in, relax. Have a beer. Have a cigar.
Albert welcomes us to Albertfest.
Professional Fisherman
Guy, Gabes, Fox, and Andy troll for great whites.
Gabe's wins "biggest catch"
"I haven't seen such a nice fish in years" says the skipper. Yeah, right.
Laurel and Hardy
go clubbing
Gabes and Andy
Hogman ponders his handicap
Willo, of course.
Sobo and Tom P. in the flesh
XXXXX Warning ... it's not pretty.
Remaining zahmbies with our gracious hosts
Front Row: Albert's Mom and Dad, Andy
Back Row: Fox, Gabes, Hans, Albert, Preppy
The "immediate" Danza clan
Front row: Mom and Dad
Back row: Angela, Carol, Barbara, Guy, Christine, and Albert.
In Texas: Joanie
The rest of the
With special thanks to Albert's son Albie (middle holding baby), daughter
Lauren (on right) and wife Florance (far right).