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They say golf is like life, but do not believe them. Golf is more complicated than that.
-- Gardner Dickinson
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Jack's Golf Analysis

Posted: 2010-08-17

Sent to the mail list shortly after the end of the 2010 PGA: OK, so I had some time on my hands and for once was interested in watching a golf tournament on Sunday. Our roto set up is very competitive and paying attention to players who are doing well - and playing makes a difference. A little luck is involved as well. We have 96 roster spots (8 x 12), so I looked at the top 96 in scoring average

this year and who has them. The results against Roto ranking:

Points Players in top 96
1. Fox499812 for 12
2. Hans 5225 8 for 12
3. Al 5269 9 for 12
4. Jack 5508 9 for 12
5. Mags 5553 9 for 12
6. Sobo 5710 8 for 12
7. Andy 6154 7 for 12
8. Gabes 6392 6 for 12