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New Site Fully Deployed

Posted: 2007-07-04

The removal of the Cyberzahm web site from the Villanova server and into the new design format is now completed.

Fox has recently moved the remaining content, notably the reunion information, to the new server and reformated same, so that it fits the new style. The url of the new site is

Fox has also created a photo gallery for your enjoyment. Note that when you are viewing a photo through the gallery you may be able to increase its size by clicking on it. (By the way .. you can also click on the main page's random photos -- sometime this will reveal the "entire" photo.)

Feel free to forward to Fox any photos, or other content such as news items, that you would like included on the site. You will see that there is a place for us to post "home" photos to share .. in fact Fox can give you the ability to post directly to your "home" album if you like.

Finally, if there is anything on the site you would like to have removed, just let Fox know.