
                The Virtual Dorm

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.
-- Bad Pun
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Zahm Hall
Notre Dame
ND Alumni
ND Sports
Kelly Green
Blue Gray Sky

Welcome to CyberZahm

This is the web home of a cadre of early 70's residents of Notre Dame's Zahm Hall, who refuse to forfeit the college dorm mentality to the ravages of time and distance, and pledge to maintain that life affirming camaraderie that began under the shadow of the golden dome, through thick and thin, O-fers and grand slams, bleeps and bleepin bleeps, till death do us part.

Regularly scheduled activities include Fantasy Baseball, Basketball, and Golf Roto Leagues, discussions of football, life, the universe and everything, and annual get togethers where spirits flow and golf balls slice.

News and Announcements

There currently is no news to post. Send all potential news items to Editor Fox for posting consideration.

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